Lomo Effects

Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:52 PM Posted by Hikari Studio

I love doing these. It's more for time's when i bring my DSLR along and use it almost like a point and shoot. Part of the initial appeal is getting fly on the wall type shots, ones without much planning or thought put into them so to speak. You can find a lot of different tutorials on youtube to pull off this sort of texture and style. At the core of it all is cross processing. From there you can add soft edges, lens blurs, light leaks, vignetting , textures and a few other effects.

I want to put up a post about specific tutorials which I hope to do over the weekend. I've been running around a lot the past few days and haven't had much of a chance to sit down and do some photo editing let alone blog posting.

You can start with the basics of cross processing here. The best advice is to learn it and experiment experiment experiment.

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