Playing with Light

Sunday, April 25, 2010 10:37 PM Posted by Hikari Studio

With the beautiful weather we've been having recently here in Edmonton I took the opportunity to try out some outdoor portraits with a local aspiring model who was more than willing to offer up her time. I love taking opportunities like this to collaborate with local talent as it gives me a chance to develop aspects of my photography I wish to improve and the people on the other side of the lens get some nice shots for their portfolio. This photo shoot was well, basically, quick and dirty. I had wanted something clean and simple, no stylists or make up artists. It can be a lot of fun creating and bringing together bigger shoots but there can also be a lot of beauty and simplicity from a lone individual.

In this particular case I was more interested in bringing out my strobe as well as a 22" beauty dish I had invested in during the winter. I had some experiences with using a strobe outside from the previous summer but sad to say it was rather limited and not my own personal equipment. In this particular case I had also brought along a Vagabond II since the location did not have a usable power source anywhere near it.

To start off with, I found the Vagabond system to be of huge importance. It worked great through out the shoot and didn't skip a beat. I can't say how long it would last since I managed to still have juice in it after finishing the shoot. Also, at the price it's being offered at, it's a great system and I would definitely recommend it to others looking for a possible solution to their portable power needs. That being said my use with it so far has been limited so I will post more impressions as I get more chances to use it. Otherwise though, my impressions are very positive.

The model ended up being fantastic to work with. Having a model who is comfortable to work with as well as relaxed and easy going makes the photographers life a lot easier and the chances of both parties getting beautiful results from the shoot definitely improve. When it comes to me, I love a model with striking, strong eyes, they are definitely a window to the soul and the energy you get from them brings a lot to a good picture. I eagerly look forward to working with her on bigger projects in the future.

1 Response to "Playing with Light"

  1. Hikari Studio Says:

    The cool thing about this shoot is she got some attention from mode models after a friend of hers from the agency noticed it.

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