This past Saturday I had the pleasure of helping out a little on a personal project of Ryan and Beth Kelly. The shoot was for a video they are putting together for their website and it was all being filmed on DSLRs. Aside from helping out a little here and there with equipment I had brought along my camera to do some behind the scene shots of the day. I was impressed with the whole set up. I don't have very much experience in the video end of things so it was interesting to have someone on set who had a working knowledge of it all as well as the equipment at their disposal to back it up.
Seeing all of that makes me want to start up a little on video.
The day ended up going quite well. As usual you come across small bumps in the road but that's what a plan B is for. The weather ended up cooperating for the most part. Most of the day ended up being overcast, giving a nice soft light . The only downside was the cold. Typical weather here in Edmonton. 26 degrees one day, 5 degrees the next.
April 26, 2010 at 3:20 PM
nice shots! I really like the last one! thanks again for coming to help out :)
April 26, 2010 at 9:38 PM
Thanks Beth! Looking forward to getting more shots and video when the next shoot comes up.
April 26, 2010 at 11:45 PM
Wow they have some nice video gear! Dolly system!?
April 27, 2010 at 9:25 PM
The slightly older gentleman, unless I'm mistaken, was Ryan's father who is involved in film around the city. He certainly had the right equipment and the knowledge to back it up.