On Sunday Nextfest had come to a close and so did a week of shooting video using DSLRs for me Jason, Carol, and Sandy. Given all the amazing video that's beginning to hit the web ever since the advent of the video capable DSLR it's something I originally dismissed even though I had some aspirations to play around with it.
This past week was of course a lot more than play. Although it was more of a personal project created by Jason and Sandy it still involved a lot of research, practice, late night and hard work.
Having gone through that I must say that my views on video have changed. I've always understood that they're different beasts altogether however there are a number of elements that make the transition a lot smoother compared to someone who has never picked up a still camera. A lot of the technical aspects carry over. You're already familiar with aperture, shutter speed, white balance, composition, lighting etc etc. It makes for a much smoother transition but of course there are a number of new concepts you have to pay attention to as well.
Looking on it all now, having that sort of tool at your disposal can be invaluable and it will be interesting to see how photography evolves because of it. It's definitely not an aspect that will fade away soon.
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