Wedding season is here and while I by no means am as quite as busy as some of the photographers who do it for a living It still puts me in a frame of mind to give it my all and dedicate a lot of time to getting everything right. It's a big day for a couple, one as a photographer that you don't get a second shot at and even then you're generally running on a schedule that is nowhere near ideal to the pace you'd like to work on. That being said, it's a great challenge and truly tests a photographers flexibility.
As you probably can see, some of the updates have slowed down to a trickle. I'm trying not to make the same mistakes as last year and fall into the habit of putting off other personal projects until I finish everything. It's kind of a bad mindset to get into really as it ties you up for months and leaves you feeling a little creatively challenged and behind.
Perhaps it's the pressure to be artistic, to cover all the details and facets or to get jobs wrapped up as soon as possible. It can be a lot of stress at times and it's important to reminds yourself to take a step back and spend some creative energy else where. You can end up missing a lot of important little things if you focus your beam too narrowly.
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